i'm in a room so sketchy that i feel like a contestant on "Fear Factor"
hooray for a bargain
I've also come full face with the resilience of 6" long Indian cockroaches
smacked the bloody hell out of the one by my sink
both times it got up and walked 10 minutes after the throttling
seriously...there was juicy guts and mangled legs
and the fucker still got up and walking into the gaping hole in the wall
Madurai seriously kicks ass
a new addition in my favorites list of india
was at a loss of what to do after dinner tonight
while drinking a chai on a busy street a few blocks outside of the tourist hotel region i saw a white cow walking down a busy city street more briskly than the usual gait of cows. so i decided to follow it.
i ended up on a street corner sitting on a raised cement block where i was partially hidden by a pole.
it was freakin great to be a fly on the wall to see a night in the life of Madurai's old town district.
my favorite image from this evening was the group of ~7 men transfixed on the tv screens in the showroom window of an electronics store that were showing close up animal video of baby bears licking each other
here are the images from today that i caught with my camera
seriously i could just take photos forever in madurai
eventually i just had to set down the camera and enjoy
and have faith my memory will capture the remaining gems
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