so i've got 18 days until i have to be in delhi
i'm ready to scoot from rishikesh
and i've got 3 totally amazing options of what to do, all of which are appealing to me
i need to book tickets stat
i don't know what to do
1) darjeeling:
pros: never been there before, the weather is the best now in the whole year, spring has arrived there and there are flowers everywhere, buddhist vibe, different culture, gorgeouos mountain scenery, tea
cons: expensive roundtrip flight from delhi, don't know if it will be the best place to spend my last weeks and don't want to go out with a fizzle
2) leh:
pros: never been there before, buddhist vibe, different culture, gorgeous mountain scenery, flight is cheaper than to darjeeling, preseason means less tourists and more nice interaction with the villages there
cons: it is fucking cold there now (this could be a big problem as i am a WOOS in the chill), i may get altitude sickness by flying to over 3000 altitude suddenly
3) vashisht:
pros: i just met two cute young belgian men who want to share a taxi with me, the ride would be an adventure in itself, leo and ushisht are really freaking fun and cool, i've been to vashisht before so it's more of a "sure thing" that it would be a nice place to end my trip, the belgians are sorta hot
cons: i've been there before and liked it, but not liked it-liked it...so not sure if it will be an anticlimactic ending to my trip, non-stop emphasis on chillums. i don't want that to dominate the end of my trip
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