Every April as I wrap up another season in India I am faced with repeating destinations in northern India since I have already visited what is temperately available at this time of year. Wanting to shake things up a bit with a new spot, I decided to head to a southern Thailand beach for something different. I have been to Thailand before but only to the tribal jungle areas north of Bangkok. Delicious cuisine, clean clear blue ocean water and white sand beaches were waiting for me.
With almost 2 1/2 weeks to spend the duration of my time in India, it appeared pretty much instantly as I arrived that I had made a very very interesting choice.
My entire time in Bangkok, Ko Samui and Ko Pha Ngan provided for me challenging appearances in my consistent search for authenticity and depth in experience. The Thailand traveler scene was a particular smack in the face to follow up such a gorgeous experience of beauty and depth while in Rishikesh...and other areas of India for that matter. I've thought about how I can sum things up and explain the circumstances in a blog and I have decided to follow the famous old saying of "if you can't say anything nice, don't say anything at all".
All the appearances of my reality in Thailand, while ugly in their manifestation, were blessings for me as I continue to practice the wonderful teachings I received through Great Freedom in both Goa and Rishikesh. The lack of a supportive community and ease of harmony in my tangible preferences were gone in Thailand and so I was able to REALLY put to test all I had learned through Great Freedom.
Whether I am surrounded by beautiful friends in familiar home surroundings
or if I am in a new stimulating place with opportunities of fresh experiences
or if I am in a seedy place surrounded by ugly addicted characters obsessed with a surface meaningless life
or if I am sitting in unmoving traffic for hours
...there is ONE consistency in EVERYTHING
and that is that I am unchangeable in my core self
and this is reliable
so no matter what dynamic appears around me
or whatever strong opinion gets stuck in my mind
I am a sustainable source of love, peace and wisdom within myself...no matter where I am and who I am with or not with
I am
Here is what I saw as beautiful during my time in Thailand
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