All things that have made me feel invincible when I’m riding around this city on my bike. Yep, I’ve got my bike commuter bag slung around my shoulders, and my zippy bianchi racing bike that I bought years back when I used to compete…I’m soooo cool…and I can outride YOU…yeah, I’m such a bad-ass…
And life grabbed me and threw me against a wall
Full speed
Turning a corner
Nothing in my way
Going directly towards a sign and a fence and yet
…I wasn’t reaching for my brake
I make that turn every day?
I rode at 20mph directly into a sign and bounced into the wood and off my bike
Slow the fuck down and chill out!
You do not need to be racing cars and flying through red lights and stop signs!
Ok, ok…I hear you…
I got the message as I layed sprawled out on the side of the road (thankfully on some grass) tangled within my bike
Feeling humbled and also gracious as several passers by stopped to ask if I was ok
Waiting for the circling birdies chirping above my head to stop, I got up and gathered my sprawled belongings, reattached my chain and ignored the trickling blood coming down my leg
…and continued to ride
this time coasting a lot, stopping at intersections and letting others pass me